I’m quite confident my day was different than yours.

October 20, 2007

I did some errands in the morning.  The weather was beautiful, so I took my dog for a walk.  Then I went on a 25-mile bike ride.

Oh yeah.  I was also hit in the head by a flying machete.

8 Responses to “I’m quite confident my day was different than yours.”

  1. Leo S Says:

    Yes, go on…

  2. Wow Says:

    Hope your dog is ok!

  3. Thomas Zander Says:

    The machete still in one piece ?

  4. asdas Says:

    Buried for sympathy baiting. No digg.

  5. Pedro Carvalho Says:

    and then.. you threw it back?

  6. Um. Where was the machete made? I certainly hope it wasn’t one of those shoddily-made ones that can’t cut through jungle undergrowth when you really need it to. Nothing worse than a poorly-made machete.

  7. spamhog Says:

    in case you are the one who threw it: never throw anything straight up ‘cept for compensating for earth rotation!

    some 20 years ago a French sub did that, and although it was just a dummy rocket, it managed poke itself from over 10,000 feet altitude, so bad it could not submerge and had to go in for repairs

    (moderator: pls scrap previous, wrong nick!)

  8. spamhog Says:

    in case you are the one who threw it: never throw anything straight up ‘cept for compensating for earth rotation!

    some 20 years ago a French sub did that, and although it was just a dummy rocket, it managed poke itself from over 10,000 feet altitude, so bad it could not submerge and had to go in for repairs

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